Thursday, February 19, 2009

Hi Mayo Mecca Followers

That sounds funny...Isn't Mecca supposed to be the magnet?
Anyhow, Just wanted to let everyone know that I updated the ALS Chronicle blog this evening.
Also, want to let everyone know that we are doing OK.
I apologize if this is redundant for you, but I noticed that some here are not there, so just wanted to give an update.
here's the link:

Monday, January 26, 2009

Quick update: follow up call from Mayo

We received a follow up call from the Mayo Clinic. The Western Blot test was Negative for Lyme, which is what we expected. This test looks for active antibodies in the blood fighting Lyme, and even then in only accruate about 50 - 60% of the time. Once you have "chronic lyme" it's a waste of time and money to do this test. Well, it's a waste of time and money to you. Not to the labs, etc. So, at least we help are helping cycle money into the economy. That makes me feel so much better.

Since more people follow this blog than the other, you should know that there's lots of new stuff on the ALS Chronicle blog at
